About This Blog

This blog came about due to the inspiration instigated by another fellow, passionate Racing fan.  He recently commented that the time really has come to centralize the governance of our sport by our own hands.  He, like many of us, wants to see our sport flourish again.  We all want to have healthy, happy horses who run before crowded grandstands across North America.  Many think this needs to happen through the influence of high-power members of the Racing community.  I disagree…at least in part.  While we need our big owners and trainers to sign on to reforms, we also need to make sure we are working with Racing’s fans – at all levels, in all roles.  There is no horse racing if there are no owners and no fans.  In case anyone isn’t clear on the basics of horse racing and what maintains and grows our sport, horse racing owners and trainers come from horse racing fans.

The fan of whom I wrote earlier is also a fellow breeder and owner.  The difference is he’s been darn close to the pinnacle of success in our sport, and I have yet to be in the Winner’s Circle for my own small track horses, but it doesn’t matter.  We love our sport and we know we aren’t alone.  You’re with us, too.

It doesn’t matter if you only watch the Triple Crown and Breeders’ Cup races on NBC, or subscribe to HRTV and TVG through your satellite provider and/or online so you can O.D. on races 24/7.  It doesn’t matter if you handicap races religiously or don’t know how to bet at all.  It doesn’t matter if you go to your local track as much as possible, or wouldn’t know where to find one but just think racehorses are beautiful to watch.  It doesn’t matter if you work in some aspect of this sport or enjoy the fruits of the laborers who do. This blog is about our sport, and I encourage us all to participate however we can.  Thank you for reading it, commenting on it, and sharing it.

Follow us on Twitter: @FSHorseracing

2 Responses to About This Blog

  1. Owner and Breeder says:

    I applaud the effort of this blog. Nevertheless, I am disheartened by the anonymous author. This is the time to speak up with a voice AND show face. Why should racing fans, owners, breeders share their opinions and thoughts with anonymous? What is the fear? I am required to leave contact information – or do you wish for people to participate with a fake identity and email address just for this blog to be equal participants?

    • You’re right. I should have had my bio page in place before launching the blog. Thank you for saying something. Just because my intentions are good, doesn’t mean they always appear that way to someone else. I’ve added a bio, and I hope that answers your questions, and those of others. If it doesn’t, please let me know and I’ll do my best to meet your needs.

      To the point of who I am, I am not influential in the usual sense of the word, but I do hope to move those who think they have no voice, or that no one will listen if they dare to question the status quo. I’m just a fan. I’m a fan that never lost the dream, participates at a low level because that’s all I and my partners can afford, and tries to be a responsible racing owner and breeder. I want all fans, whether they’re dreaming of getting directly involved or not, to realize that it is going to take as many of us as possible to push for the changes we must have in order to preserve and grow our sport. We can’t keep pointing to someone else to do it because they have money and we don’t, or they have influence and we don’t.

      I hope this and the bio page answer your question about me. Thank you for pointing out my error in not identifying myself up front. You are correct. Whether I have one horse or one thousand, I need to put up or shut up. I’m putting up.

      As for your concern about information gathering, that is strictly the default design of the host, not me, and I just changed it so anonymous comments can be left, should someone choose. That said, I would like to encourage honest interaction between all of us, though I won’t be sharing your contact information with anyone without your expressed approval, should you leave it. In any case, thank you for your response. I hope to see more from you.

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